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Creating Future Value through Transparent Management


Fair Trade Compliance Program

SK Networks’ Fair Trade Compliance Program (CP) is an internal compliance system established and operated with the goal of fair trade-related compliance. SK Networks introduced the CP in 2002 and has been presenting CP operation as an agenda for the BOD every year. Through the CP operation, we propose clear and concrete fair trade-related codes to our employees and minimize the risk of legal violations that can occur during business through preventive activities.

Compliance Council

The SK Networks Compliance Council is composed of SK Networks and six subsidiaries that fulfill the company’s responsibilities regarding compliance management and fair economy and enhance the overall compliance level. The Council is operated in three modules: legal, CR, and SHE, where the participating companies strengthen their capacities to prevent and respond to issues by interactively sharing information about the laws and regulations, lessons learned, and related training.

SK Networks Compliance Council

  • Participants

    SK Networks and subsidiaries/ sub-subsidiaries

  • Modules

    Legal / CR / SHE

  • Members

    (as of 2020)

  • Key Activities

    Improvement of compliance sensitivity and response capacity, education and information sharing, COVID-19 emergency response

Fair Trade Compliance Committee

SK Networks appoints a compliance officer from the BOD and operates an organization dedicated to compliance management. Through the voluntary compliance committee, we are preparing a foundation for compliance by deriving key ethical issues and consequently inspecting the status of fair trade-related compliance for each business, promoting fair economy, enhancing trade transparency, and sharing the key Fair Trade policies with the relevant divisions.
