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SK rent-a-car’s Sustainability Report won the gold prize at the ‘LACP Vision Awards’


- The report scored 98 out of 100 points, receiving perfect scores in six out of eight categories in the transportation & logistics sector
- It ranked among top 80 reports in the Asia-Pacific region, and top 20 in Korea
- “Going forward, SK rent-a-car will play a leading role in ESG management based on transparent and active communication with various stakeholders”

SK rent-a-car published its first sustainability report this year for the first time in the car rental industry, and the report achieved outstanding results, which has lent support to its ESG management.

SK rent-a-car (CEO: Hwang Il-moon) announced on the 31st that its first sustainability report won the Gold Prize at the 2021 Vision Awards hosted by League of American Communications Professionals (LACP).

LACP is a global association specializing in communication established by American communication professionals. One of the functions of the association is to _uate sustainability reports issued by governments, corporations, and entities from all across the world.

‘LACP Vision Awards,’ a global sustainability report contest, kicked off in 2001 and the awards have been joined by corporations and governments that publish sustainability reports to share their approach, goals, and progress in terms of ESG management with their stakeholders in a transparent manner. This year, approximately 1,000 companies and governments from 21 countries participated in the event, the highest competition rate in 10 years.

SK rent-a-car’s ‘2021 Sustainability Report’ got perfect scores in six out of eight categories in the transportation & logistics sector; ▲ message delivery, ▲ clarity, ▲ de_ion, ▲ financial data report, ▲ data accessibility, and ▲ cover design. In total, the report receives 98 out of 100 points, which allowed itself to win the Gold Prize. This report is all the more meaningful as it is listed in the Top 80 in Asia/Pacific region as well as the 'Korea's TOP 20 Report,' which selects the top 20 Korean reports.

In May, SK rent-a-car published its sustainability report containing the company's active commitment to ESG management, striving to enhance transparent communication with various stakeholders. The report includes information on major activities and concrete performance of the previous year as well as the disclosure in line with international standards. It also details the five ESG strategic directions of SK rent-a-car that are newly established this year; ▲ digital transformation and service platformization, ▲ human rights management, ▲ improvement of customer satisfaction, ▲ response to climate change, and ▲establishment of sound governance.

In addition, the design of the five ESG strategic directions applied the same color as the color stipulated in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming for the intuitive design of the report. In commemoration of the first publication of the report, it was also presented in the form of NFT (non-fungible token). Going forward, SK rent-a-car plans to publish reports every year to manage financial and non-financial performance in an integrated manner, transparently disclosing the implementation process.

An SK rent-a-car official said, "it is very meaningful for us as the first report that captured our sincerity of ESG management are receiving favorable reviews from LACP.” He also added, “SK rent-a-car will play a leading role in ESG management based on transparent and active communication with various stakeholders.”

[Picture 1] SK rent-a-car’s sustainability report that is the first publication in the industry won the Gold Prize at the 2021 Vision Awards hosted by League of American Communications Professionals (LACP)
