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SK rent-a-car earning No.1 spot for 10 years in a row in rental car category at 2021 KS-WEI


- SK rent-a-car’s various efforts to transition to EVs put it in the spotlight including the proclamation of its shift towards ‘EV-centered Mobility Rental Company’ and the establishment of ‘Complex dedicated to EV’
- ‘EzyDirect’ unveiled to enable customers to get an estimate and sign a deal within only three minutes on their computers or mobile devices
Ungraded online direct services for long-term rental cars bring a higher level of convenience and satisfaction to customers
- ‘Mobility Bank’, 1-year free LCV rental for social enterprises and small business owners, contributing to social value creation
- “SK rent-a-car never stops its efforts to launch innovative products and services to better cater for customers”

SK rent-a-car (CEO: Hwang Il-moon) said on the 24th that it had earned the No. 1 spot for 10 years in a row in the category of car rental at the 2021 Korean Standard Well-Being & Environment Index (KS-WEI).

The KS-WEI is an index made by Korean Standards Association (KSA) and Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at Yonsei University to _uate companies and select the No.1 corporations in terms of well-being satisfaction in each category. They _uate five dimensions of the company – Health, Environment, Safety, Satisfaction, and Social Responsibility – for the certification.

SK rent-a-car, the No.1 spot holder for 10 years in a row in the car rental category, has had ‘car rental business’ take root in Korea with its top-notch capabilities over the past 30 years since its inception in 1988. Staying true to its catchphrase, ‘from ownership to mobility’, it has served as a leading p_ in this field by embracing customer trends and innovating the business model.

Furthermore, the efforts have been made to keep up with a new trend, the transition to EVs, as well as to roll out services bringing customers a higher level of satisfaction and convenience in the face of COVID-19. As a result, the company was highly regarded in terms of ‘Environment’, ‘Satisfaction’, and ‘Social Responsibility’.

SK rent-a-car joined ‘K-EV100’, the Korean campaign to shift to zero emission cars, in March last year, which is a clear manifestation of its plan to convert all of its vehicles into eco-friendly ones.

In addition, as part of the plans to reinvent itself as ‘EV-centered Mobility Rental Company,’ the company made an announcement last April that it would establish a facility with a capacity of 7,200kW, large enough to charge 3,000 units by 2025 in partnership with KEPCO, which is part of the plan to build the Korea’s largest complex dedicated to EV in Jeju. Once the facility is completed, 10,000 tons of GHGs can be mitigated a year, the equivalent of planting 1,500,000 pine trees.

The endeavor has also been made to make it easier and more convenient for long-term rental customers to sign a contract or get an estimate non-face-to-face in the prolonged disruptions due to the pandemic. It has resulted in ‘EzyDirect’, the upgraded version of its long-term rental online direct service.

With ‘EzyDirect’, unveiled in last May, it takes only three minutes to get an estimate and sign a deal since the service gives an accurate estimate with extra discounts automatically applied to the rental fees based on customer data. For a general estimate, only one minute is needed.

On top of that, SK rent-a-car has run ‘Mobility Bank’ since 2018 to deliver social value in a persistent manner.

Aiming for shared growth, ‘Mobility Bank’ works in a way that social enterprises and small business owners rent light commercial vehicles free of charge for one year, and they create social value in exchange for free rental. Through the 1st and 2nd round of events, the participating companies could reduce their vehicle maintenance cost by KRW 550 million, create 65 jobs, identify 18 new businesses, and increase their sales by KRW 5.8 billion. And now the 3rd round of event is underway. And this achievement has led to the company winning a commendation from the Minister of Health and Welfare in 2019 and an award from the Chairman of Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership.

Through these efforts, catering for the eco-friendly trends, SK rent-a-car has been at the forefront of establishing the ecosystem for EV-centered future mobility while unveiling innovative services to take up a notch the mobility life for customers in terms of convenience. And the company has strived to fulfill its social responsibility.

A SK rent-a-car official said, “it is meaningful to rank No.1 for the 10th consecutive year in recognition of being agile in delivering higher customer values and setting an example in the rapidly-changing mobility market.” He also added, “Going forward, we continue to introduce groundbreaking products and services to suit more customers’ needs.

[Photo 1] SK rent-a-car raking 1st for 10 years in a row in the category of car rental at ‘2021 KS-WEI’ hosted by KSA

[Photo 2] 2021 KS-WEI’s emblem
