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SK networks calls to order the 69th ordinary shareholders’ meeting


- Posting 11.181 trillion won in 2021 sales & 122 billion won in operating income
… Delivering outcomes contributed by car rental subsidiary and building future growth momentum against challenging economic conditions
- Announcing commitment to accelerating transformation into ‘Operation based investment company’, beefing up car rental business and fostering ESG management
- President/CEO Sang-kyu Park says “We will return greater value to shareholders by ensuring positive outcomes and securing growth momentum”

SK networks convened the ordinary shareholders’ meeting for the 69th fiscal year in Samil Building (Jongro-gu, Seoul) on the 29th to approve the financial statements, amend the articles of incorporation in part, and elect directors and an audit commit member as proposed by the Company.

SK networks had to suffer impact on some of its business lines due to economic slowdown and rising uncertainties at home and abroad in the aftermath of the extended COVID-19 pandemic, but succeeded in posting 11 trillion 18.1 billion won in consolidated sales and 122 billion won in operating income thanks to positive outcomes from the mobility and home care divisions (sales 3.7% up from the previous year and operating income 1.6% down).

In particular, SK Rent-a-car featured better performance in terms of both sales and profits when compared with the previous year on the heels of a favorable turn of the short-term car rental service in Jeju Island and increase in proceeds from used fleet sales, launching ‘SK Rent-a-car direct’ to foster an ‘untact’ online market and promoting Korea’s biggest electric vehicle-exclusive complex to beef up future growth foundation. SK Magic also launched the eco-friendly home appliance lineup ‘Green Collection’, expanded the ‘Special Rental Service’ in collaboration with Samsung Electronics, and joined the world’s biggest e-Commerce platform ‘Amazon’ to boost up its business competitiveness, breaking the 1 trillion won revenue mark for two consecutive years.

Speaking of the election of directors, Managing Director Sung-hwan Choi was elected to be an executive director; Head of Portfolio Management Hyung-keun Kim appointed to be a non-executive director; and Director Suk-woo Jeong re-appointed to be an ‘outside director seated on the audit committee’.

This year, SK networks plans to transform itself into a ‘Operation based investment company’ based on a virtuous investment cycle where promising future digital technologies including blockchain are linked with businesses, persistently focusing on the growth of rental business lineup and expanding the scope of ESG management initiatives.

President & CEO Sang-kyu Park at SK networks emphasized, “This year, we will remain committed to deliver clearly better performance by identifying and actively capturing new business opportunities out of the box in line with rapidly changing requirements of our market and society and secure momentum for sustainable growth and return greater value to shareholders whose attention and support are appreciated by us.” 

[Photo] SK networks resolved on such agendas as approval of financial statements, partial amendment to the articles of incorporation, and election of directors and an audit committee member as proposed by the Company in the ordinary shareholders meeting for the 69th fiscal year in Samil Building on the 29th. President & CEO Sang-kyu Park presents the outcomes of the previous year and business objectives for this year of SK networks in an opening remark of the shareholders’ meeting.
