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SK networks sells its Myeongdong office and moves to Samil Bldg.


- BOD approved selling the Myeongdong office to SK D&D... expected proceeds of around KRW 90 billion
- Samil Bldg. will be the new office from 2Q next year, starting together with SK magic and SK rent-a-car
- “Space design keywords will be collaboration, communication and happiness... work efficiency improvement and synergy effects are anticipated.”

SK networks is moving its head office to Samil Building nearby Cheonggyecheon Stream.

SK networks announced on October 26th, 2020 that it held a board of directors meeting and approved the agenda of selling its Myeongdong head office to SK D&D at KRW 90.05 billion. It was also decided to rent 20 floors of Samil Building, which will be the company’s new head office.

SK networks has been seeking to resolve issues regarding its head office as the building was getting old and there was a shortage of space. This decision to move the head office was made as SK networks put an emphasis on setting up an environment for the company to advance further and keep its members happy. In addition to SK networks, SK magic and SK rent-a-car will also move into Samil Building to achieve synergy effects with its investors and increase work efficiency. When the sales contract of the Myeongdong office is concluded in November and relevant procedures are performed afterwards, the head office moving is planned to be completed by 2Q next year.

SK networks will create TFT rooms and common meeting rooms in Samil Building so that company members can gather and work together. It will also have ready a library, cafe, fitness center and daycare center so as to support its members to enjoy a happy work experience.

“We will now be able to further stabilize our financial structure and invest more in growing businesses by selling the Myeongdong head office,” said an SK networks executive and added, “We will design our new head office to bring together collaboration, communication and happiness elements in an aim to create an office environment that suits the change of time and move forward to create new customer values.”
