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SK networks together with ‘Save the Children’ expands its support for the underprivileged from ICT


- Signed an agreement with Save the Children on the 19th for the 2020 ICT Young Dreamers Project
… To expand projects that link ICT business with charities
- KRW 45 million donation executed from last year through Mintit and April Stone
- “Will strive to create expanded social value through various businesses including ICT.”

SK networks works together with Save the Children to expand support for those who are ICT-underprivileged.

SK networks signed an agreement for the 2020 ICT Young Dreamers Project on May 19th, 2020 at the head office of Save the Children, an international relief and development NGO. The company disclosed that it will provide extensive support to ICT-underprivileged children by providing IT devices and learning programs through projects that link charities with ICT brands such as Mintit and April Stone.

From last year, SK networks started to utilize its businesses to become actively engaged in social contribution activities linked with Save the Children.

Mintit ATM is the first artificial intelligence (AI)-based machine in the country for purchasing used phones without any person-to-person contact, and included a used phone donation function in the machine to help customers practice charity in their daily life. Last December, it also promoted a campaign to provide additional KRW 10,000 support for one donated used phone. With more than 3,000 customers’ participation in this campaign, KRW 25 million was raised and delivered to Save the Children.

In addition, 2,000 units of the Save the Children edition of April Stone a20, a wireless Bluetooth earphone, were released end of last year and sold out. KRW 20 million was donated recently to celebrate this accomplishment.

In the future, SK networks plans to enhance the donation program linked with Save the Children and utilize its business model in helping neighbors in need to create expanded social value.

An SK networks executive said, “Mintit ATM will assist on fostering easier and more convenient ways to practice charity and new SV (Social Value) editions will be released for April Stone products that will allow us to help our neighbors jointly with the customers,” and emphasized that, “we will strive to create social value by using various company brands including ICT.”

[Image Description 1] SK networks signed an agreement for 2020 ICT Young Dreamers Project with Save the Children to get actively engaged in creating social value. Donations from SK networks are used to provide IT devices and training sessions for kids who are ICT-underprivileged. Bo-guk Seo, SK networks service CEO (on the right) and Tae-young Jeong, Director of Save the Children celebrating the agreement conclusion on the 19th.

[Image Description 2] Mintit is the first artificial intelligence (AI)-based ATM in the country for purchasing used phones without any person-to-person contact that facilitates customers to practice charity in daily life. The image shows customers using a Mintit ATM.
