In line with SKMS management philosophy focused on SK People’s continuous happiness and pursuit of SUPEX (Super Excellent) with voluntary and willing brain activities, SK Networks vows to create sustainable values with customers to address social challenges. Furthermore, we will respect human rights and deliver on our responsibilities in all our business activities to meet the expectations of the society toward corporations.
Enthusiastically advocating the Human Rights Principles suggested in global guidelines including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (UNGP) and the Constitution of the International Labor Organization (ILO), SK Networks will develop human rights policies that can encompass all stakeholders including SK People, customers, shareholders, business partners and local communities, continually revisiting and updating such policies.
- SK Networks will prohibit discriminatory HRM practices affecting employment, payroll, promotion, etc. on the basis of gender, age, ethnicity, race, religion, etc. fostering diversity within organization.
- SK Networks will comply with labor-related laws and regulations concerning minimum wage, work hours, freedom of assembly, labor union, collective bargaining right, equal pay, etc.
- SK Networks will comply with health and safety laws to create a pleasant work environment and protect the health of SK People.
- SK Networks will operate on/offline platforms for ethical violations and employee grievances reports, with a strong commitment to address human rights violations.
- SK Networks will promote fair business practices based on mutual trust with business partners and not engage in unfairly demanding/offering bribes, favors, etc.
- SK Networks will remain committed to foster cultural practices of respecting human rights and putting human rights principles in action, with all stakeholders including SK People, customers, shareholders, business partners and local communities.
CEO & President
Lee, Ho-jeong