- Chief of Ethical Management Council : SK Networks Audit Division Head
- Steering Committee : Walkerhill Management Supporting Division Leader, SK Networks service Management Strategy Division Leader, SK Magic Risk Management Division Leader
- Ethical Management Council
- SK Networks (Secretary) : Ethics & Audit Team Leader, The person in charge of Ethical Management
- Walkerhill : The person in charge of Ethical Management
- SK Networks service : Compliance Management Team Leader, The person in charge of Ethical Management
- SK Magic : Corporate Audit Team Leader, The person in charge of Ethical Management
- New Subsidiaries : SK Electlink, En-core, MINTIT
SK Networks takes not only its economic and legal responsibilities seriously, but also ethical responsibility is vital in its management processes. By establishing a fair and transparent corporate culture, we aim to earn the trust of our stakeholders and contribute to the happiness of society as a whole through the continuous growth and development of the company. In this regard, SK Networks established and released the Code of Ethics in 2007, based on SKMS, SK's management philosophy. The Code provides employees with directions on proper behaviors and judgement and requests suppliers to understand and comply with the Code of Ethics.
Ethical Management System
Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics Practice Guideline
FAQs on the Code of Ethics
Practice Guidelines -
Exclusive organization for ethical management (Internal Audit Division)
Self-monitoring & correction system
Reporting channel and Whistleblower protection -
Ethics training
Ethics practice workshop
Ethics practice surveys
Ethics Management Practice Pledge
Ethical Management Targets and Roadmap
SK Networks vows to establish an ethical management system living up to global expectations and empowering the ethical management systems of its subsidiaries and suppliers as well. To that end, SK Networks defines and tries to accomplish the following targets regarding ethical management policy and training.
Upgrade the ethical
management system to
global standards
- Disseminate and support ISO 37001 certification across subsidiaries
- Establish ethical management control standards for subsidiaries
- Develop/Implement ethical education and anti-corruption training content reflecting organizational characteristics
- Expand ethical education content for suppliers
Spread the ethical
management system to
global standards
- Stabilize/Disseminate ISO 37001 certification across subsidiaries
- Increase the coverage of ethical management control targets across subsidiaries
- Continue developing ethical education content to reflect changes in the business environment
- Implement pilot training programs tailored to each target (leader/member)
- Provide support for developing ethical education content to reflect the characteristics of subsidiaries
Ensure the ethical
management system at
the global top-level
- Maintain ISO 37001 certification for the head office and subsidiaries and evaluate expanding the certification scope
- Improve the quality of ethical management control for subsidiaries
- Update education content for ethical education and anti-corruption training
- Establish an education system tailored to each target
- Continue supplementing/improving ethical education content for suppliers
- Provide support for improving ethical education content to reflect the characteristics of subsidiaries
SK Networks developed in 2007 a code of ethics modeled from SKMS (SK Management System) epitomizing SK Group’s management philosophy and has continued to update it ever since. The code of ethics contains provisions governing good practices and decisions to be upheld by SK Networks people in terms of customer relations, basic employee ethics, accountability to shareholders, relations with business partners, and roles to play in favor of the society at large. In addition, SK network has rolled out a guideline for ethical practices to ensure that the code of ethics is correctly understood and complied with as intended. The guideline for ethical practices spells out practices to be upheld by SK Networks people in terms of anti-corruption, mutual respect, protection of corporate and customer data, avoidance of conflict of interest, arm’s-length transaction, safety/environment/health responsibilities, obligations to report irregularities and protect whistleblowers among others In particular, the guideline contains a series of provisions to monitor and eliminate non-compliance of anti-corruption laws including the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act (Anti-graft Act in short). The code of ethics and the guideline for ethical practices are shared with not only SK Networks people but also business partners, with ethical practice training programs provided and compliance agreements from them required. Furthermore, SK Networks had its anti-corruption management system certified (ISO 37001) in December, 2022 to promote ethical compliance, vowing to bolster up ethical practices ever more.

※ SK Networks provides ethical management services as shared services, and the subsidiaries participates in the ethical management council when needed.
SK Networks has been operating an Ethical Management Council since 2018 to establish a systematic framework and elevate the standard of ethical management practices between the head office and its subsidiaries. The council, primarily composed of working-level personnel from each company, holds quarterly meetings where they collaboratively plan and implement ethics training and workshops. Additionally, the council supports various activities such as establishing ethics regulations for each company, conducting audits, investigating reports, and enhancing the competencies of those responsible for corporate ethics. Through the activities of the Ethical Management Council, SK Networks aims to continuously strengthen the independent ethical management functions of its subsidiaries.
SK Networks is conducting an annual in-house examination to enhance autonomy in practicing ethical management. A checklist has been created for ethical risks covering a range of areas, including HR management, cost management, purchasing/business partner management, sales/receivables management, investment management system, inventory management, and unusual risk management. The checklist is designed to assess and evaluate risks specific to each business area.
Ethical Management Reporting Channels
SK Networks operates a channel for all stakeholders to report unethical behavior in order to monitor and manage the current status of ethical management. Reports received through this reporting channel are investigated by the audit team and the dedicated ethical management organizations of each subsidiary, ensuring a transparent and systematic response and handling.

SK Networks Internal Audit Team, 85, Cheonggyecheon-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03190, Republic of Korea
Ethics Education Policy
SK Networks provides ethics education annually to its people including contractors and part- timers, aiming to ensure that all of them attend and finish the ethics education programs. A separate ethics education program has been available for management leaders and board members since September 2021, with another ethics education program intended for business partners rolled out from 2022 to boost awareness of ethical management practices. The ethics education programs cover major ethical management issues in SK Networks, including anti-corruption, office bullying, and work ethics. We also survey the ethics education program takers on the effectiveness, difficulty and logistics of the education programs to inform our efforts to improve the programs and contents of feedback from SKN people. SK Networks also plan to upgrade the ethics education programs for management leaders, board members and business partners annually in quantitative/qualitative terms in line with the rapidly changing business landscape both at home and abroad.
Ethics Training HistoryThe table provides results of ethics training and consists of categories (SK Networks and its subsidiaries and partners), 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 SK Networks, subsidiaries, and second-tier subsidiaries* No. of employees completed training
(Unit : person)**4,635 4,922 4,866 4,913 4,862 3,361 Percentage of employees completed training
(Unit : %)98.4 97.8 98.5 99.2 99.4 99.5 Partner companies*** Implementation
(Unit : Y/N)N N N Y Y Y No. of partner companies completed training
(Unit : number)32 10 13 * From 2019 to 2021, the Ethics Practice Survey had been implemented in six companies (SK Networks (incl. Walkerhill), SK Networks service, SK Magic, SK Magic service, SK Rent-a-car, SK Rent-a-car service). From 2022 to 2023, Ethics Practice Survey was expanded to eight companies (the existing six companies + MINTIT and Cartini) From 2024, the Ethics Practice Survey has been implemented in five companies (SK Networks (incl. Walkerhill), SK Networks Service, SK Magic, MINTIT, SK Electlink).
** Independent directors and non-regular employees were included from 2022.
*** Business partners in direct transactions with SK Networks headquarters have been subject to a pilot ethics training program since 2022. -
Ethics Practice Survey
SK Networks conducts an Ethics Practice Survey for employees at the headquarters and its subsidiaries to assess compliance with the Code of Ethics and the level of ethical practice culture. Ethical management for employees is supported by handling critical implications from survey results, including mutual ethics among employees, inspection of Social Value-degrading elements, and continuous improvement of the ethical management practice system.
Ethics Practice Survey HistoryThe table provides the results of the Ethics Practice Survey and consists of categories (SK Networks and its subsidiaries/subsidiaries), 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 SK Networks, subsidiaries, and second-tier subsidiaries* No. of participating employees
(Unit : person)3,705 3,537 4,125 3,985 3,963 2,883 Percentage of participating employees
(Unit : %)76.0 68.8 82.1 79.7 81.8 85.9 * From 2019 to 2021, the Ethics Practice Survey had been implemented in six companies (SK Networks (incl. Walkerhill), SK Networks service, SK Magic, SK Magic service, SK Rent-a-car, SK Rent-a-car service). From 2022 to 2023, Ethics Practice Survey was expanded to eight companies (the existing six companies + MINTIT and Cartini) From 2024, the Ethics Practice Survey has been implemented in five companies (SK Networks (incl. Walkerhill), SK Networks Service, SK Magic, MINTIT, SK Electlink).
Ethics Management Practice Pledge
On the first business day of each year, all employees are encouraged to participate in the Ethics Practice Pledge. Along with the employees’ voluntary actions, we aim to enhance awareness of ethical management and establish a transparent corporate culture.
Ethics Practice Workshop
Each year, SK Networks holds an Ethics Practice Workshop for all employees to elevate the level of their ethical management. During the Ethics Practice Workshop, participants watch videos or have discussions after reviewing pre-distributed materials related to ethical issues such as workplace bullying and conflict of interest at work, followed by sharing areas of improvement for practicing ethical management. In addition, organizations are selected and awarded the Ethics Management Workshop Excellence to internalize the ethical practice culture in each company, including subsidiaries.
Ethics Practice Workshop HistoryThe table provides the implementation results of the ethical management practice workshop and consists of categories (SK Networks and its subsidiaries/subsidiaries), 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 SK Networks, subsidiaries, and second-tier subsidiaries* No. of participating organizations
(Unit : number)414 393 549 419 393 414 Percentage of participating organizations
(Unit : %)95 98 98 98 99.8 100 * From 2019 to 2021, the Ethics Practice Survey had been implemented in six companies (SK Networks (incl. Walkerhill), SK Networks service, SK Magic, SK Magic service, SK Rent-a-car, SK Rent-a-car service).
* From 2022 to 2023, Ethics Practice Survey was expanded to eight companies (the existing six companies + MINTIT and Cartini)
* From 2024, the Ethics Practice Survey has been implemented in five companies (SK Networks (incl. Walkerhill), SK Networks Service, SK Magic, MINTIT, SK Electlink).
Internal Audit (Ethics /Anti-corruption audit)
SK Networks conducts internal audits through its Audit Office under the Board of Directors’ Audit Committee. The internal audit consists of regular audits (including implementation review), self-regulatory system inspections, and ethical reporting investigations. SK Networks aims to audit all domestic and international business sites, including its headquarters and subsidiaries, at least once every three years.
- Regular audit: Based on a mid-to-long-term audit plan, annual risk assessments are conducted to select high-risk businesses/organizations and establish their regular yearly audit plans. Audit targets are finalized with the approval of the Audit Committee.
- Self-regulatory system inspection: Conducted annually across all businesses, support organizations, and subsidiaries to assess ethical/anti-corruption risks in areas such as HR, expenses, purchasing/business partners, sales/accounts receivables, investment control system, and inventory. High-risk areas are directly examined by SK Networks’ Audit Office and subsidiaries’ internal audit departments to verify the conformity of the findings and evidence of the self-regulatory system inspections conducted in the field.
- SK Networks (including all subsidiaries) also operates various online and offline ethics reporting channels, including a website, face-to-face consultations, and mail. Matters consulted and reported are processed in a transparent and fair manner according to the report handling procedures. Customer service complaints are transferred to relevant business departments, while all reports involving unethical issues are directly investigated by the Audit Office.
* Reports related to subsidiaries are investigated in cooperation with subsidiaries.
Areas of internal audit include compliance with legal provisions and the Code of Ethics, corruption risk assessment and management, internal control, unfair transactions, information leakage/security, and conflicts of interest.
The progress and findings of all internal audits (regular audits, self-regulatory system inspections, and ethical reporting investigations), as well as the outcomes of implementation review, are regularly reported to the Audit Committee. Following the inspections, issues that require improvement are reflected in business activities, and violations are immediately rectified. When necessary, the company collaborates with relevant departments to establish comprehensive countermeasures and ensure their implementation.
SK Networks has conducted internal audits across all domestic and international business sites and subsidiaries at least once in the past three years. In 2023 and 2024, internal control violations were found in areas such as data protection (document security), improper business handling/procedural violation, and private use of company assets. Corrective actions and improvements to business processes were completed as a result, and identified violations and the results of improvement measures were reported to the Audit Committee quarterly. Furthermore, the violations and their resolutions were communicated throughout the company while also reflecting them in in-house ethical management activities, such as ethical training and ethical practice workshops, to prevent recurrence.
Fair Trade Compliance Program
SK Networks’ Fair Trade Compliance Program (CP) is an internal compliance system established and operated with the goal of fair trade-related compliance. SK Networks introduced the CP in 2002 and has been presenting CP operation as an agenda for the BOD every year. Through the CP operation, we propose clear and concrete fair trade-related codes to our employees and minimize the risk of legal violations that can occur during business through preventive activities.
Operating Compliance Council
SK Networks operates the SK Networks Compliance Council, which includes the head office (including Walkerhill) and eight subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries. This council ensures that all participating companies are committed to fulfilling their social responsibilities in compliance management and fair trade, continuously striving to elevate their compliance levels. The council is structured around three areas: Legal Affairs, Fair Trade, and SHE (Safety, Health, Environment). Through its activities, the council facilitates the sharing of necessary regulatory information, educational resources, and lessons learned among the member companies. These interactions strengthen proactive prevention and enhance the ability to respond to issues effectively.
* SK Networks Service, SK Magic, SK Magic Service, MINTIT, SK Electlink, En-core, SK Speedmate, Glowide
SK Networks Compliance Council
SK Networks(including Walkerhill) and eight first and second-tier subsidiaries
Legal / CR / SHE
(as of 2025) -
Key Activities
Improvement of compliance sensitivity and response capacity, education and information sharing
Fair Trade Compliance Committee
SK Networks appoints a compliance officer from the BOD and operates an organization dedicated to compliance management. Through the voluntary compliance committee, we are preparing a foundation for compliance by deriving key ethical issues and consequently inspecting the status of fair trade-related compliance for each business, promoting fair economy, enhancing trade transparency, and sharing the key Fair Trade policies with the relevant divisions.

SK Networks has specified and developed the following Anti-Corruption Policy in a bid to ensure sustainable happiness of its people and stakeholders and foster a fair and transparent corporate culture.
- All SK Networks people do not engage in corrupt acts.
- All SK Networks people uphold domestic and international anti-corruption laws as well as corporate regulations/guidelines that are applicable to their business practies.
- SK Networks implements anti-corruption control systems in conformity of global standards and continues to improve anti-corruption controls by monitoring the operation of the control systems.
- SK Networks strictly disciplines its people in a transparent manner when they fail to comply with ethical standards and anti-corruption policies.
- SK Networks guarantees the authority and independence of organizations and individuals responsible for enforcing anti-corruption controls.
- All Members of SK Networks' management leadership spare no support in ensuring the efficient operation of anti-corruption control systems.
CEO & President
Lee, Ho-jeong