Creating Social Value through
Value Innovation in Harmony.

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Double Bottom Line

SKMS and Pursuit of ‘Stakeholder Happiness’

According to SK Group’s management philosophy, SKMS (SK Management System), the concept of stakeholder happiness means “A corporation must consistently achieve stability and growth to persevere and advance. In doing so, a corporation must also create greater happiness for customers, employees, shareholders, and society.”

We are actively engaged in sustainable management rooted in this concept. SK Group also designated 2018 as ‘Year One for a New SK’ and is pursuing enhanced social value (SV) as a vital corporate strategy for survival. Ultimately, we seek to realize sustainable growth together with society.

DBL(Double Bottom Line)

DBL is SK’s management principle which states all SK business activities should create economic value and increase social value so that society can share in the company’s growth.

SK Networks recognizes the pursuit of social value is indispensable to the sustainable growth of the company and its employees. In 2018, it selected the pursuit of social value as one of the management policies supporting the beginning of DBL (Double Bottom Line), Furthermore, it sought to identify the social issues associated with each business division and made a quantitative measure of the fundamental impact of all SK-led business activities from the environmental, social, and governance aspects. Going forward, we will continue research and monitoring to expand the range of indicators for measuring social value and develop a more sophisticated methodology. We will also uncover ways to create social value and cultivate business models based on the measure of social value.

  • Economic Value

    Financial outcomes
    created through business activities

    revenue and operating income, etc.

  • Social Value

    Contribution to solving social issues
    through business activities

    indirect economic contributions

    environmental achievements

    social performance

SK DBL Key Strategies

회의하는 사람들 이미지
All business activities

Expand the scope of SV creation beyond CSR to overall concept of Biz Value Chain

토론하는 사람들 이미지
Create economic value and increase social value

Actively review ways to grow SV during decision-making process (Decreasing (-)SV, generating (+)SV)

건물 이미지
SK management principle of growing with society

Increase economic value and social value to pursue happiness in harmony and balance for all stakeholders

SV Management Organization

This is an SV-promoted organization image, please refer to the following for more information. This is an SV-promoted organization image, please refer to the following for more information.
  • BOD
    • Strategy and ESG Committee
    • CEO
      • Management Supporting Division
        • Strategy Planning Division
          • SV meet up
        • ESG Management Team
          • Environmental CoE
      • Company-wide ESG Implementation Committee
Strengthening the Organization to Establish the ESG Management System

SK Networks operates a dedicated SV Implementation Team to concentrate its company-wide capabilities on creating social value and securing communication channels for each business. The Board of Directors, as the highest decision-making body, deliberates on, decides, and supervises agenda items reviewed in advance by Strategy∙ESG Committee. Furthermore, ESG management is promoted through the Company-wide ESG Implementation Committee, which includes the CEO, executives, and subsidiary representatives.

SV Meetup, the Social Value Council

Since 2019, SK Networks has been operating SV Meetup, a social value council. The SV Meetup, led by the Head of Management Support Division, includes members from the Strategy Team, each business unit, and the SV-related departments within subsidiaries. This meetup serves as a platform to discuss and share updates on domestic and international trends related to sustainability disclosures, RE100, and other SV-related issues. Additionally, it features SV-BM* workshops and discussions on the current status and challenges of social value initiatives across different business units.